Welcome to the Student Body Association in Hohenheim!

The Student Body Association (Verfasste Studierendenschaft VS) includes all enrolled students at the University of Hohenheim. Many members of the ASB advocate for other students in Hohenheim. Among these are your elected representatives in AStA (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss - General Student Committee) and StuPa (Studierendenparlament - Student Parliament), members of the student associations and student groups, as well as the ones involved in working groups and other associations. This page gives an overview of the work of these students. It explains the basic organizational structure of the ASB and reveals the possibilities students have to contribute.


The AStA (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss - General Student Committee) is the executive institution of the student body. The head of the AStA represents the student body towards the university and genearl public.

The TMS is the center of student life in Hohenheim. Ever since the 1970s, the old barn has been a cultural and social meeting place for students.There are coffee, speeches, concerts and parties. Since 2016 it is administrated by the VS.

TMS as learning space

During the examination periods, we make the TMS available for you to study in. It is open for you during the week from 8:00 am to 6 pm. Come and visit us, we look forward to seeing you!

The office for lecture notes is an offer from students to students. Lecture notes are sold as well as accompanying material corresponding to current lectures at the University of Hohenheim.

Student councils consist of students from one faculty, who are committed to improve studying conditions in Hohenheim. They represent the students of their study programs towards their faculty and organise informative events.

Student group enrich campus life and push the University forward. They reflect the diverse interests of students. The initiatives range from cultural integration, lived faith, ecological, economic, or social groups to political work.

The Student Parliament (StuPa) is the highest decision-making institution of the VS (Constituted Student Body). It consists of 20 elected members. During its sessions elected members are entitled to vote on motions that shape the live of our students and the campus. It elects the AStA and gives it directives as to what it has to do. The Student Parliament is elected once a year in the summer semester, has a Term of one year and constitutes its self in the first weeks of the winter semester following the election in the summer term.